Compressor Terminology

Displacement volume

The amount of space the compressor can displace or pump in a single stroke. It is a measure of the compressor's capacity or ability to compress air and is the amount of space that the compressor can displace or pump in a single stroke. It is a measure of the compressor's capacity or ability to compress air or gas.

Free Air Delivery

"Free air delivery" refers to the amount of air that a compressor can deliver to the end-user without any additional cost. Displacement is the theory and CFM/FAD is the actual volume available.

Single Stage Compressors

Single-stage compressors describe a compressor pump with one or more cylinders producing the final pressure in compression/stroke.

Two Stage Compressors 

Compresses the air to its final pressure in two stages.

First stagethe air is compressed to a lower pressure ( typically 30psi) and then allowed to cool and compress a second time to its final pressure (normally 200psi). Two-stage compressors provide more air for less energy 




Workhorse compressors utilise the latest components for maximum life.  Features such as cast iron blocks, twin cylinder pumps and aerodynamic flywheels mean you workhorse computer is built to last