Brand: Fronius

Fronius MTG 400I MIG Torch Manual Air/Water Cooled Mig Welding Torch

Fronius MTG (gas-cooled ) MIG/MAG welding torches are designed to perfectly accompany the TransSteel and TPSI range of Fronius welding equipment. They are high quality and feature ergonomically designed grips for comfort and long use. The perfect choice for your Fronius welding equipment giving longer life.

Available in FSC (Fronius System Connector) or Euro Connection

LED Versions have a little LED under the neck to aid visibility in dark spaces

ML Multilock
FSC Fronius System Connector
G Gas-Cooled
L Length
LED LED in the torch handle
UD Up Down Torch Control
JM Jobmaster Torch Control

- Heavy Duty Nozzles
- High Duty Cycle
- Stainless Steel Swan Neck
- Non-Slip Handle

Wire Diameter: 1.0-1.6mm
Duty Cycle: 320A @ 40%